
Built with the reality of market participants in mind

Investment and research platforms

All the data your clients need, with distribution in mind

Existing sources are expensive, difficult to integrate and come with restrictive distribution permissions. Many data vendors offer competing data "terminal" services and lack the incentives to help platforms succeed. Our "data-only" strategy offers high quality data at an affordable price, with permissive distribution. Check our demo Screener for an example of what you can build with our API.

No distribution limits

High quality data with permissive distribution at an affordable price.

Multiple tiers, flexible pricing

Pay what you need, for the data you need.

On-going support

We build strong partnerships with investment and research platforms, and ensure you get the best terms to help you grow.

Good API documentation

Modern, simple API documentation to get you started quickly and effortlessly. See our docs.

A unified view

View prospectuses alongside reference data and access pricing information from multiple sources.

Excel support

Make the most of our data with our Excel Add-in.

Permissive licensing

Share data freely with all colleagues and clients. No additional license required.


Access through our API or pipe directly to your internal database.

Asset and wealth managers

Own your data, build your tools. All within budget

Data costs have skyrocketed in recent years, and fixed income data remains the most expensive of all. At the same time, retrieval is burdensome, and access within and outside organisations is limited. As companies had continued building more sophisticated internal tools and bespoke processes, the data has not kept up with the pace of innovation. We believe data should be owned by the client and used as desired. Leverage the depth and quality of our data, combined with unique tools to explore it, while staying within budget.


Unlock new insights from market dynamics with trade-level data

The lack of a consolidated tape for bond trades in Europe means that many market participants do not have the full picture of the market when assessing fair value, liquidity and risk. We collect, clean and aggregate MiFID II post-trade reports from 15+ EU/UK APAs, covering 80+ European venues, unifying all trades into a single, easy-to-use source.

All venues, one source

Observe market depth and detailed price action across all European trading venues.

Time granularity

Track intra-day liquidity and historical patterns over longer periods of time.

Improved models

Combine with internal data sets to track exposure and risk statistics.

Improved RFQ

Evaluate and improve performance by comparing lost RFQ with executed prices.

Interested in trying out our data?

Click the button below to get in touch with our team and request a trial.